Thursday, February 17, 2011

Adventures in Rainy Day Cleaning

Sorry folks - no Sketch today. Seeing how a good number of Sketch's previous adventures involved housework he decided to take a personal day. Lucky for me, Soph opted to take his place.
Now... "lucky for me" is not a phrase I often use when referring to Soph helping me do anything related to cleaning. I definitely learned something new (and very important) today. My darling 6 year old loves to clean... she just doesn't like to "pick up". I fully intend on taking full advantage of this free child labor (please read as "character development"). We were so involved in our deep cleaning adventure that I didn't even get to knit today - I know... this is tragic. It is especially tragic because I am secretly (or not so secretly) having a torrid love affair with my stash. I can't seem to get enough - I'm perfectly content (ok not really) just admiring all the wonderful members of my little member's only club. The more I admire all the wonderful wools and colors the more ideas I have of what I want to do with all of my treasures.
Enough of that - I get a little excited when thinking about my yarn. Hopefully tomorrow will not only be a fantastic day for more cleaning, some schooling and if all goes as planned I will have a wonderful plan of attack for Stiches West on Friday. (Please note I am trying desperately to contain my excitement regarding Stiches West so that I wont seem like a complete fanatic)

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